Monday, 5 September 2011

Wurzburg Friday Sept 11th and 12th 2009

Caught my train from ULM and changed in Augsburg.Nice peaceful trip to Wurzburg not very many travelling and arrived in Wurzburg Hauptbanhof about 7.30 PM.The familiar skyline came into view as I had fond memories of my trip there in 2005.My travel agent
got me the hotel i wanted near the Kapelle. However,my room wasn't very quiet as it was located next to a noisy pub where people talked until IAM. You didn't need a wake up call the city's church bells started ringing at 7 AM. The restaurant at the hotel was lovely,traditional Franconian food with local wines,they even lit candles for breakfast.
The next day which was overcast I bought myself a new seude brown vest which was on sale at Karsted a downtown department store.I had been looking for camera film. I went to what I thought was the post office which turned out to be a book store.They were amused since Post means post office in England and set me off in the right direction where i managed to get stamps for my post cards. Wurzburg seemed to be use to English speaking tourists.i was very pleased with my new vest which had inside pockets with zippers for my valuables.
I encountered a political meeting on the street,the Socialists;they were having elections.They thought i was German.Even after a number of visits i still haven't mastered the language.
After lunch where I had Tiroler Grostie which is finely chopped potatoes and onions
browned in a frying pan with ground pork,chives and cumin powder. This hearty dish is very hearty and goes well with a garden salad and a beer.Some other diners remearked at what I was having,they said it's old Grostie
On my way to the Residenz I visited two churches.which i din't have muh time to see last time.

The Neuminster kirche and St.Killans
Cathedral( see exterior view and interior) which were completely rebuilt after being gutted in the air raids.

The Residenz
This palace was the home of the Wurzburg Prince Bishops who were the local ruling nobility.It was begun in 1725 and included the art forms associated with the rococco
period.After the Napoleonic wars in 1815 the palace became one of the residences of
the Bavarian Royal family. Franconia is this part of Germany where Wurzburg is located and it is known as Upper bavaria.The Residenz became a museum after the first world war when the German monarchies were abolished.
The central wing of the Residence survived the air raid by Britain's Royal Airforce
in April 1945 which was a fire bombing rain which destroyed most of Wurzburg. Thanks to the efforts of the people on the roof who put the fire bombs out the central wing of the palace survived serious damage.The surrounding wings were gutted
but were restored eventually to their former glory. Last time I was in Wurzburg the magnificent ceiling of frescoes was being restored,now it was available for full viewing.I marvelled at it.Admission to the palace included an exhibition on the post war period in Wurzburg and reconstruction and the Marshall was interesting and was in English and German.
I walked through the displays of the rooms that have been restored and marvelled at
how the war damage was repaired.
I saw the palace chapel for the last time as it was going to be closed for three years of renovations.After afternoon tea at the museum cafe

I again explored the garden of the Residence which i had admired so in 2005 with their clipped hedges,statuary,and their floral displays.The Yew hedges looked a bit bedraggled.I walked around admiring every aspect of these formal gardens which were laid out around 1750.The statues are mainly copies of the originals.

I love the way the flower beds are planted in this historic gardens using a multitude of annuals,such as dwarf orange zinnias, pastel snapdragons,yellow marigolds,silver Dusty Miller,dwarf phlox,verbenas,and dalias.
Annuals are mixed in with perennials. My slides of my visit in 2005 will be included in a later update to my blog.
I just sat and enjoyed as i looked over the terraces with their flowering urns through the dappled shade from Plane and Linden trees to the distant castle.

Two days aren't enough for Wurzburg. I really prefer the smaller cities in Germany,
the historical beautiful ones.Although there isn't much action in them.

The next day before i left for Frankfurt I visited the wine institutions.
the hills around Wurzburg are covered with vineyards where wines such as the white wine grapes that produce Silvaner,Muller Thalgau wine The dry franconian white wines
are considered the gentleman's wine but their production is not as great as the sweet wines from the Rhine and Mosel regions
You can visit the wine institutions which do charitable like hospitals and accomodations for the elderly.

I said good by to Wurzburg with this view from the main railway station.

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